A segment from the play
Libera Me (Voices in the Night)
Opening: March, 2009, The Cameri Theater, Tel Aviv
A play by Joshua Sobol
Director: Aya Kaplan
Stage Design: Edna Sobol
Costume Design: Edna Sobol
Music: Tal Belcharovich
Lighting Design: Judy kupferman
Actors: Eli Gornstein; Oded Leopold
"Leabera Me" is one of Joshua Sobol's most personal and touching plays. A Father and son on a voyage into the dark night. The father, in his old age, runs away into the orchards, seeking his death. The son is after him, attempting to rekindle his father's urge to live. Anger, Jealousy and old secrets are exposed, as the two are being drawn into a harsh, uncompromising struggle with each other.
"A highly touching play, both intellectually and emotionally. The Director, Aya Kaplan, shows a profound understanding of the text, which is impressively interpreted by her, using both a precise stage movement and a powerful yet delicate bodily expression". ("Israel Hayom")